There are 535 members of congress and 90 members of the Oregon legislature. These are the ONLY people in the United States that can bring a Single Payer health care system to America and Oregon.

Single Payer Health Care - Dead In Oregon. Dead In America. EVIDENCE

1. The president of the United States of America does not support Single Payer.

2. The current governor and the candidates for governor of Oregon do not support Single Payer.

3. Neither the U.S. House of Representatives nor the U.S. Senate has ever been allowed to vote on Single Payer legislation.

4. Not one member of the Oregon congressional delegation supports Single Payer.

5. Not one member of the 2009 Oregon legislature supported Single Payer.

6. No Republican candidate for the U.S. Congress and the Oregon legislature has or will support Single Payer.

7. The Democratic Party of Oregon failed to persuade even one Democratic candidate for congress and the Oregon legislature to support its Single Payer resolution. [The DPO was several years behind Single Payer advocate and recent Democratic candidate for the North Portland House seat Richard Ellmyer.]

8. There will not be any member of the 2011 Oregon legislature that supports Single Payer.

9. Portland, Multnomah and Lane counties voted for Single Payer resolutions but allocated no resources to lobby state and federal officials. The Portland city council and the Lane and Multnomah county commissions failed to contact one another in order to devise a unified strategy to accomplish their similar goals.

10. The AFL-CIO and American Federation of Teachers both threatened Democratic candidate for the Oregon legislature Richard Ellmyer because he publicly exposed and championed their passage of Single Payer resolutions.

11. The Oregon legislative leadership and every member of the 2007 and 2009 Oregon legislatures summarily and discourteously rejected this letter signed by elected officials representing more than a million Oregonians.

Dear House Speaker Hunt (Merkley) and Senate President Courtney Et. Al.:

The current legislative debate over health care reform in our state does not include our view that the profit oriented private health insurance industry must not be the model upon which a solution to Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis should be based and that Oregon elected officials - public employees - voters and taxpayers must have EQUAL ACCESS to the SAME LEVEL of health care NOT a perpetuation of our current multitiered health insurance CLASS system.

We request that you find a place holder bill in each chamber which would substitute in its entirety the language of the Oregon Community Health Care Bill (see attached) so that an alternative choice may be discussed and debated this session. The Oregon Community Health Care Bill is the only current fully formed piece of proposed legislation which supports our vision of health care reform. We would welcome others that also meet our requirements.

Thank you for your attention.


Richard Ellmyer - Oregon Community Health Care Bill author 2004

Sam Adams - Portland City Council 2007

Jeff Cogen - Multnomah County Commissioner 2007

Edwars "Chip" Enbody - Hubbard City Council 2007

Darrell Flood - Mayor of Lafayette 2007

Bill Hall - Lincoln County Commissioner 2007

Jim Needham - Mollala City Council 2007

Michelle Ripple - Wilsonville City Council 2007

Mary Schamehorn - Mayor of Bandon 2007

Pete Sorenson - Lane County Commissioner 2007

John Frohnmayer - Former candidate for US Senate 2008

Tim Grimes - Staton City Council 2008

David P. Trott - Mayor City of Umatilla 2008

Bill Dwyer - Lane County Commissioner 2008

Dan K. Cummings - Ontario City Council President 2008

Mark Camra - Toledo City Councilor 2009

Don Porter - Mayor of Long Creek 2009

Thomas Bradley - Long Creek City Council 2009

Fred Drake - Long Creek City Council 2009

Alvin Hunt - Long Creek City Council 2009

12. The Oregon legislative leadership and members of the 2007 and 2009 Oregon legislatures made every effort to deny access to the legislative process to those Oregonians who supported Single Payer.

13. Not one union that passed a Single Payer resolution endorsed and supported any candidate for federal or state legislative office that campaigned in support of Single Payer.


AFSCME District Council 75

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757

American Federation of Government Employees Local 2157

American Federation of Teachers Local 5017

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees

Oregon Education Association

Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals

Oregon Nurses Association

Oregon Teamsters Local 206

Painters Local 10

State Council of Machinists (IAM) 

14. The business community of Oregon represented by Associated Oregon Industries, the Portland Business Alliance and Chambers of Commerce throughout Oregon did not support Single Payer.

15. A resolution of support for Single Payer means the removal of the for-profit health insurance industry as the foundation for delivery of health care to Oregonians. It means the repeal of the recently passed federal health insurance bill and the Billion dollar health care bill passed by the Oregon legislature in 2007. A resolution of support for Single Payer means political confrontation of the highest order. No elected official nor candidate for elected office in Oregon, including those running for governor, has the demonstrated courage for such a battle, except the former candidate for the North Portland House seat, Richard Ellmyer.

16. Bill Moyers, America's most courageous journalist and the American most responsible for giving voice to the Single Payer arguments, has ended his inspiring and edifying program, Bill Moyer's Journal.

17. The corporate ownership of every media company in Oregon opposes Single Payer.


A. There is no chance nor hope that a Single Payer health care system of any kind will be voted upon much less passed by the U.S. Congress or the Oregon legislature in the foreseeable future.

B. The for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical industries will continue their legal and rightful corporate obligation to maximize shareholder profits by charging whatever the market will bear.

C. The for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical industries will continue to use their legions of lawyers, lobbyists and legislators under their control to seek out every loophole and stop any legislation that would impede profit making opportunities.

D. The congress of the United States of America and the Oregon legislature will not, indeed, they cannot stand up to the superior forces of the for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

E. Unless and until every elected official, every public employee - including military personnel, and every American citizen are all covered by the same health care plan, we Americans and Oregonians will continue to have an unjust and unfair health care class system which will erode our democratic values, competitiveness and prosperity.

If there are any members of Oregon's congressional delegation, Oregon's legislature, leaders of public jurisdictions, unions, business groups or media corporations that would challenge the veracity and relevance of my evidence and the reasoned logic of my conclusions please contact me to discuss a public conversation/debate.

Good luck and good health.

Richard Ellmyer

Oregonian by choice - 39 years

American by birth - 64 years